GEOSIRIS participates actively to the Data Loading/ Data Ingestion and Data Delivery activities in association with the in the OSDU Forum.

The OSDU Forum Mercury release is providing in early 2022 an Open Source data platform to ingest JSON Well Know Entities based on JSON Well known Schemas for WellBores and Seismic Domain information. This Mechanism can be used by other Data domains.

From the beginning of 2022, the Earth Modelling Domain Definition was achieved by the Reservoir definition team and JSON Well Known schemas are now available. In parallel GEOSIRIS participates to the performance enhancement of this Data Platform.

Our Objective:

As soon as the Energistics RESQML V2.2 version will be officially published, Geosiris intends to provide Preparation and Data Loading services compatible with the existing Ingestion/Storage/Indexing and Delivery services of the OSDU platform.

These services will execute the mapping between RESQML V2.2 Entities and OSDU Forum Master data and Work Package Components to produce correspondent manifest files and will use the OSDU Dataset—CollectionFile.Generic services to record the EPC+hdf5 information.

Then, these Earth Modelling manifests will be communicated to the “official” Ingestion Workflow provided by the OSDU Forum and follow up the validation, integrity, storage and indexing services.